Carrier identity theft and "fictitious pickup" situations resulting in stolen truckloads are not slowing down and continue to be a major problem for the freight industry.
What is a fictitious pickup?
A "fictitious pickup" is where a person commits identity theft and represents themselves as a carrier they are not, to induce a broker to send them a rate confirmation with pickup numbers, shipper addresses, and other information needed to pick up a load. The perpetrator of a fictitious pickup is usually a freight thief who intends to steal the load. Typically, the freight thief will then hire a legitimate carrier to pick up the load from the shipper and transport it to a warehouse. The freight thief may then have the load sent from warehouse to warehouse, several times, to throw us and law enforcement off the trail, and then sell the product.
Below are countermeasures our customers can take to protect against cargo thieves. Please share with your shipping locations as necessary.
- Carrier name and MC# Validation – upon receiving the carrier name and MC # from us on the BOL – have the shipper look at the side of the truck, if it does not match - do not load
- Be on the lookout for magnets or paper signs on truck doors, as opposed to typical truck placards
- Photocopy of DL
- Driver signs and prints name on BOL
- Document the tractor license plate number
- Load Information Validation – Ask the driver for the reference number and the Origin / Destination (Ask do not tell)
We appreciate your partnership in helping us combat fraud and "fictitious picks ups". If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out.
Thank you,
Joe Albelo
VP of Sales & Marketing
734-373-8805 Mobile